Welcome 2006!

Hay, 2006! May this year be a good one! :)

I read somewhere that it really depends on the person how s/he wants the year to be. If one thinks and believes that the year will be a good one, then it will surely be a good one. So, this is what I'm going to do. I am going to make this year a really good one by being positive! I guess it's all in the attitude and how we take things, right? :)

The year started out great for me. I welcomed the new year with two of my sisters, my aunt and one of my closest friends. We weren't allowed to go out so we watched the fireworks from the window and went crazy dancing and jumping around. It was fun, fun, fun for all of us. And, the first day of the year? We spent it watching TV and just lazing around the place. Hehehe:)

My parents came on the 5th so we had a belated celebration of the coming of the new year. It was really bonding time for me and my sister and our parents. We went around Metro Manila together. It was such a happy time for us because it's been a long time since we all did something together. We were all just laughing and having a great time. Time spent with family really tops everything. I thank God for every single second I spend with my family.

They, all, left for home on the 8th. I was sad, but I didn't have much time to mope because I met with some of my closest friends (my college barkada) that same day because Leyh, one of my best friends, is here visiting. It was another afternoon of fun, laughter, reminiscing and eating. I can't believe how we have remained the same yet so different (changed) through the years. After many years, it still feels like the old times. I love every single one of them to bits and I know this fact won't change no matter where time and chance take us. Insha-Allah. :)


Eid ul-Adha

By the way, the Eid ul-Adha (Festival of Sacrifice) fell on the 10th. As I mentioned before (in this blog), this is one of the two biggest and most important holidays in the Islamic World, the other one being the Eid ul-Fitr (End of Ramadhan Feast). The Eid is a time for forgiving and asking forgiveness from anyone and everyone one has hurt, physically or verbally, intentional or not. Hence, I'd like to ask forgiveness from those who actually know me if I've ever said or done something that might have hurt your feelings and from the readers (blog friends) if I've ever written anything that might have offended you or made you feel bad.

Speaking of forgiveness, it has always been a practice of mine to forgive everyone who has actually done or said anything bad to me or about me, intentional or not, every single night before I sleep. I always close my day with a little prayer and I always include people who've hurt my feelings in my prayer. I never sleep without doing this. Of course, I do admit that I'm not really that good a person or anything, but this practice, which I started some years back, makes me feel good about myself and peaceful, and makes me sleep well. I like that.

Anyway, belated Eid Mubarak to everyone! :)


First Tag for the Year

(from Anj)

1. The tagged victim has to come up with 8 different points of their perfect lover.
2. Need to mention the sex of the target.
3. Tag 8 victims to join this game & leave a comment on their comments saying they've been tagged.
4. If tagged the 2nd time, there's no need to post again.

Target: Male

1. a Muslim
2. will understand and support me and the things i want to do
3. has plans and ambitions and is determined to realize them
4. someone i can respect, understand and love with all my heart
5. someone i can talk to about anything and everything
6. someone i can really laugh with and be stupid with (has great sense of humor)
7. someone who's not boring and is willing to try new things every now and then
8. someone who respects not only me and my ideas, but other people and their ideas as well

There are more points, but these are the first eight that came to mind.

-Druggie Diana
-Mimi Cat
-Toni Coo


noreen said…
nyahahaha. kasama pala ako. hehehehe

Balbonics said…
Happy 2006 to you, BP, I like that bedtime practice of yours. I should do that, it sounds neat. I should include myself, yes. :)
Dilip Mutum said…
I hope that your wish comes true.
My new year started off badly but ever the optimist, I told myself that I was lucky that it was not worse. And now things are getting much better.
BabyPink said…
hey B! hehehe:) yeah, try it. it's good for the health, too.:))

adam, thank you. that's good to know. i hope things'll get better and better.:)
bing said…
you are very right, girl! positive attitude..

noticed the points, it says a lot about you.
Teacher Sol said…
Your entry reminds me of what my daughter told me last Friday: "Mom, it's Friday the 13th, it's bad luck day! we better be careful". I told her "No rae, that's what everybody thinks about Friday the 13thg, actually Friday the 13th is good luck day if we want it to bring us good luck". Right? *wink
BabyPink said…
yeah, having a positive outlook really does wonders.:)

thanks, miss bing and teacher sol.:)
Dr. Emer said…
Belated Eid Mubarak to you, Baby Pink!

"Time spent with family really tops everything."

I totally agree. :)
BabyPink said…
thank you po, doc.:)

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