Rest in peace...
It's been a while since my last entry. I really missed blogging. I couldn't post a new entry not only because I was pretty busy as I'm back to work after a three-week leave, but also because I wanted my sister to see/read the last entry since it's about and for her. I'm not sure if she's read it, though, since she hasn't given me any feedback or reaction yet. Oh well, that's okay. A lot of things have happened since I last posted an entry. On the same day my sister celebrated her birthday, Bok 's grandfather passed away. I got to go to Minalin, Pampanga ( Bok 's hometown) twice to sympathize with the family. The first time, I went with Mommy Minda (my aunt). The second time, I went with Erik and Lachi and we spent the night there so we'd be there for the funeral. It was a new experience for me and a different one, too. It was my first time to actually witness a burial up-close because usually in Muslim burials, only men are allo...