Nostalgic much?
I was reading some of my old entries as I was looking for a particular entry I needed and I realized how much I miss blogging on a regular basis. Back in the day, I used to blog every week (even twice a week sometimes). Those were the days when many people were so into blogging. I found many blogs of interest that I religiously followed. I made many friends through blogging. At first, we were basically just online buddies, but later on some became my "real" friends. Those were good times, really. Nowadays, fewer and fewer people are into blogging. Because of all these network sites and busy schedules probably, people have become too lazy to blog or just simply don't have time to blog. And, I also noticed that because of all the status updates and tweeting, readers have also become too lazy to read long entries. I don't know, but I, for one, like reading blog entries more than the short updates that are very much in fashion these days. I enjoy reading the thoughts, opi...