What lies ahead?

The past days proved to be thinking and doing days for me. Doing, because I have been busy with a lot of things. Thinking, because I've been doing a lot of thinking. And, of course, when one does that, there's a lot of realizations that finally sink in. So, just like anybody else, I've reached a lot of realizations in the past days. Realizations that are life-changing and life-defining, I'd say. There are some that I deem too personal to share and there are some that are, in general, realizations anyone my age would actually have. One realization I had that's so great it has overwhelmed me is the fact that I've come, yet again, to realize how much I want to have a baby. Well, not now, of course! But, at least, before I die, I'd like to have a child and know how it feels to have one. I know for a fact that one of the greatest, if not the greatest, fulfillment in a woman's life is when she becomes a mother. Babies are being born to my friends and cousins l...