Question and Answer...

My special thanks go to Balbonics and Adam for the questions they posted. I chose to answer the questions of both "posters" (is this actually the right term?) because, well, they're the only ones I got. Hehehe:) Not that I expect many people read my blog, but the idea of getting questions got me quite excited.

Anyway, here are my answers.

Adam's questions:

1. Why the name BabyPink?
-- I chose BabyPink because I love PINK (My favorite shade is baby pink. You know, like sweet, light pink.) and BABY is one of my favorite words in the world. Oh, and, well, I love babies. :)

2. If you could be a cartoon character, who would you be?
-- Disney's Mulan... :)

3. If you won a million US$, what would you do with it?
-- I'll give half to my parents, a quarter to charity, and the rest I'll use to buy things that I've always wanted and gifts for my family and friends.:)

4. Would you rather have a man who loves you but whom you don't love or a man whom you love but doesn't love you?
-- I'd rather have a man who loves me because I'll eventually learn to love him. And then, we'll live happily ever after. :)

5. Would you marry a man who is nice, handsome, rich and loves you but is impotent+infertile?
-- Sure, I'll marry him. We can adopt children if we want children (and I have so many nieces and nephews, having no children wouldn't be a problem). As for being impotent, well, I know it's important that people should be able to "perform", but that is not the most important thing for me. Love is the answer! :)


Bablbonics' questions:

1. What would you rather live in:
A house with no roof or a house with no bathroom?

-- A house with no bathroom. I could do "my thing" in my neighbor's or in the "gilid-gilid" and/or "bukid". :P

2. What would you rather eat: Chocolate that tastes like shit or shit that tastes like chocolate?
-- I'd choose chocolate that tastes like shit anytime. No matter how good shit tastes, the thought that it's shit is just eeeewww! But, come to think of it, we eat lots of good food, right? Wouldn't it be possible that shit tastes like the food we eat? Then, maybe sometimes shit really tastes like chocolate. Has anybody ever checked? Aaaacckk, what am I saying?!!

3. You're relocating to another country for good and have only one backpack to bring with you. What are its contents?
-- Hmm, tough one (especially knowing what a disorganized and totally sentimental person I am). For sure, there'd be at least one good book in it (probably Coelho's "The Alchemist"). I will be sure to bring my prayer things (carpet, prayer "costume", pasbi, etc.), the Holy Qur'an, a photo album containing pictures of me, my family and my friends, my favorite blanket (which I actually call BabyPink), my ID, toiletries. And, LOOOTS of money so I could buy everything that I forgot to put in my backpack! How big is this backpack, anyway? :)

4. If someone gave you a pet right now, what would you name it?
-- Arigatou (Thank you in Japanese). The nickname will be Ari (final syllable is pronounced with a continuous flowing out of air and not with a glottal stop, ha.).

5. It's your last day on earth and you're having a full-course meal of your choice. What's in it? (maximum of 2 desserts please!)
-- Everything Meranao, except that none of the food will be hot/spicy, so that would mean that I'll need to talk to the Meranao cook first. There will be kiyoning (Meranao yellow rice), manok a papaparan (chicken with coconut), bolied egg, badak (young jackfruit cooked the Meranao way). Dessert will be my favorite tiyateg (a kind of Meranao sweet that looks like hard, fried brown hair) and biyaki (Meranao sweet that's made of ground corn, sugar and rice). I will be eating all these with my hands, no silverware. Everything will be served on a tabak (Meranao brass table). And, there should be COKE, lots of it! :)

Wow, I had fun answering those questions! Q and A of this type always gives us an idea about who we (both "person who asks" and "person asked") are, what kind of people we are, and how our minds work. They're really fun! I love this chain/game. Doumo arigatou gozaimashita, Balbonics and Adam! :)


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