The longest night of my life...
In my entry before the last one, I mentioned that something really weird happened some nights ago. I also said I'll be writing about it as soon as I get out of the "trance" I was in and get my thoughts together. Well, I think that time has come. Here's the story of the night... It was Friday night (the 11th). I went back to my room really late after some reading, writing and cat-purring at one of the study areas of the International Center (dorm I'm currently staying at). My alarm clock said it was about half past midnight. Upon seeing that my Nagamese (from Nagaland in India) roommate was fast asleep, I turned the lights off. I said my prayers and got in bed. Just as I was halfway to dreamland, my roommate stirred. Half-awake, I saw her get out of bed and walk out of the room. Soon, I heard her knocking on her Filipina best friend's door and calling out the best friend's name. I didn't mind her because I thought they had plans to study late....